Divorce and Family Law Articles
Main Line Family Law Attorney Discusses: How Long does a Child Support Obligation Last?
In Pennsylvania, parents have a duty to financially support their children until they become emancipated. Emancipation occurs when the child turns 18 years old and graduates from high school, whichever occurs last. This means that when parents are going through a divorce and one parent has…
Family Law Attorney Explains how New Pennsylvania Child Support Guidelines Effective May 1, 2017 Result in Modest Increase in Child Support Orders
Effective May 1, 2017 there was a modification to the Pennsylvania Child Support Guidelines that provides parents who are receiving child support a slight increase in their child support payment. The Pennsylvania Child Support Guidelines “Guidelines” originally went into effect in 1989, and ha…
Wayne Family Law Attorney Discusses Prenuptial or Premarital Agreements
Many people get engaged over the winter holidays or around Valentine’s Day. If you or anyone that you knew got engaged over the past few months, then you may be wondering, “is a prenuptial agreement necessary?” Although the Pennsylvania Divorce Code has been written to protect the interests of…
A Vetrano Family Lawyer Discusses: When are Post-Nuptial or Mid-Nuptial Agreements Appropriate?
Family lawyers are finding that couples are increasingly turning to post-nuptial agreements, sometimes referred to as mid-nuptial agreements, to deal with many issues that can arise during a marriage. A post-nuptial agreement differs from a pre-nuptial agreement because it is entered into duri…
Wayne Family Law: Pennsylvania Reduces the Waiting Period to Obtain a Unilateral No-Fault Divorce from Two Years to One Year
The waiting period to move forward with a unilateral no-fault divorce in Pennsylvania when one party does not consent to the divorce has been reduced from two years to one year. This new law went into effect December 3, 2016. Act 102, signed into law by Governor Wolf on October 4, 2016, amends…
The Impact of Pennsylvania’s Medical Marijuana Act on Custody & Support Cases
By: Lindsay Hanifan Childs, Esquire *As published in Pennsylvania Family Lawyer, Volume 38, Issue No. 2. at page 97.
There had been signs that a statewide change would be coming to Pennsylvania regarding laws on marijuana use and possession. In addition to increased lobbying and public supp…
Vetrano | Vetrano & Feinman LLC, a Wayne Family Law Firm, Discusses School Choices for Divorced or Separated Parents
Most divorced or separated parents share legal custody of their children. This means even if the parties do not share physical custody on an equal basis, they must agree upon medical, educational and religious decisions regarding their children. The choice of which school a child will attend…
A.S. v. I.S.: Stepparents May Have a Duty to Pay Child Support, Under Certain Circumstances
The Pennsylvania Supreme Court recently held that a stepfather was obligated to pay child support when he took affirmative legal steps to assume the same parental rights as a biological parent, which included seeking to prevent the biological mother from relocating to California with the child…

Need to Talk to Us?
Our experienced family lawyers take the time to fully understand the financial and emotional complexities that can be involved in separating two lives. We offer the patience and resources to effectively guide clients through a divorce, addressing all the challenges they may face in moving forward with their lives. To learn more about how we can help protect your rights and interests in a complex divorce, contact the Pennsylvania divorce attorneys at Vetrano | Vetrano & Feinman LLC.